An occupation is what you are PAID to do. A calling is what you are MADE to do. When it comes to the role of UCP Direct Support Professionals, or DSPs, it’s actually a mix of both.

Throughout the month of September, and especially during Direct Support Professional Recognition Week, we highlight the dedicated, innovative direct care workforce that is the heart and soul of the support system for people with disabilities. We invite you to join us as we take a moment to acknowledge the tireless efforts of UCP DSPs and celebrate the incredible outcomes they make possible year over year in the lives of the individuals they support.


    • Provide a safe, secure environment
    • Work with individuals on new skills
    • Coordinate outings and activities in the community
    • Provide assistance with meals, toileting, etc. as needed
    • Document, document, document (all of the above… and more) 
woman with cat
Corie with cat

Our DSPs help individuals…

    • Identify and pursue new interests
    • Nurture and develop relationships, with their peers and out in the community
    • Explore the world around them
    • Learn new skills
    • Actively participate in meaningful activities (volunteer or paid)
    • Feel a sense of belonging
    • Experience joy

In other words, DSPs empower people of all abilities to live richer, fuller lives by forming meaningful connections. A great example of this can be seen in the faces of CPS participants as they interact with rescue animals. CPS Carlisle staff and participants are shown here making homemade dog biscuits which they then delivered to Speranza local animal rescue… while CPS Lewistown participants routinely take turns visiting and volunteering to play with the cats at the Huntingdon County Humane Society.