Stay up to date with the latest happenings

- Sibshops are a recreational support forum for siblings of a child with a disability.
- Sibshops are for children ages 6 to12 years old and include lunch, discussion, games, and crafts.
- Sibshops are held Saturday mornings from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at 55 Utley Drive, Camp Hill.
- The total cost is $25 for ALL four Saturdays.
- Register now to reserve your child’s spot.

Activities include: Carnival games with prizes, pumpkin painting, moon bounce, photo booth, Face Painting by Whitney, musical guests, and a petting zoo.
Food includes: hot dogs, popcorn, walking tacos, Philly Pretzel Factory’s soft pretzels, drinks, and NEW this year: snow cones and caramel apples!
**A $5.00 donation per person is appreciated (includes food, games, and entertainment).**
The Family Fun Fair provides an excellent opportunity for families of children with special needs to get together for some fun, food, and fellowship in a relaxing atmosphere.

- Sibshops are a recreational support forum for siblings of a child with a disability.
- Sibshops are for children ages 6 to12 years old and include lunch, discussion, games, and crafts.
- Sibshops are held Saturday mornings from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at 55 Utley Drive, Camp Hill.
- The total cost is $25 for ALL four Saturdays.
- Register now to reserve your child’s spot.

- Sibshops are a recreational support forum for siblings of a child with a disability.
- Sibshops are for children ages 6 to12 years old and include lunch, discussion, games, and crafts.
- Sibshops are held Saturday mornings from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at 55 Utley Drive, Camp Hill.
- The total cost is $25 for ALL four Saturdays.
- Register now to reserve your child’s spot.

- Sibshops are a recreational support forum for siblings of a child with a disability.
- Sibshops are for children ages 6 to12 years old and include lunch, discussion, games, and crafts.
- Sibshops are held Saturday mornings from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at 55 Utley Drive, Camp Hill.
- The total cost is $25 for ALL four Saturdays.
- Register now to reserve your child’s spot.

Christmas crafts – We will have craft stations with supplies and instructions to create a handmade craft with your child. There will be easy, medium and difficult craft option depending on your child’s ability. Parent’s assistance is encouraged.
Decorate your own Christmas cookies – We will have a variety of cookies to create delicious Christmas masterpieces.
Make your own Christmas cards – We’ll have materials for your child to create custom cards for those special people in their life.
Light refreshments will be served.
A $3.50 per child donation is appreciated.
*Registration required by Monday December 9th, 2019.