Stay up to date with the latest happenings
- Sibshops are a recreational support forum for siblings of a child with a disability.
- Sibshops are for children ages 6 to12 years old and include lunch, discussion, games, and crafts.
- Sibshops are held Saturday mornings from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at 55 Utley Drive, Camp Hill.
- The total cost is $25 for ALL four Saturdays.
- Register now to reserve your child’s spot.
- Sibshops are a recreational support forum for siblings of a child with a disability.
- Sibshops are for children ages 6 to12 years old and include lunch, discussion, games, and crafts.
- Sibshops are held Saturday mornings from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at 55 Utley Drive, Camp Hill.
- The total cost is $25 for ALL four Saturdays.
- Register now to reserve your child’s spot.
Families of children and adults with differing abilities are invited to join us for an afternoon of fun and socialization. Siblings are welcome!
This event includes 2 games and shoe rental. A $3.50 per player donation is suggested.
**Please note, additional games can be purchased and are payable to Trindle Bowl upon completion**
*Registration Required* Please RSVP using the online form.
Snack bar will be open for food and beverage purchases.
Activities include: Carnival games with prizes, pumpkin painting, moon bounce, photo booth, Face Painting by Whitney, musical guests, and a petting zoo.
Food includes: hot dogs, popcorn, walking tacos, Philly Pretzel Factory’s soft pretzels, drinks, and NEW this year: snow cones and caramel apples!
**A $5.00 donation per person is appreciated (includes food, games, and entertainment).**
The Family Fun Fair provides an excellent opportunity for families of children with special needs to get together for some fun, food, and fellowship in a relaxing atmosphere.