In the world of Human Services, there is a lot of talk about “person-centered” planning, what that means, and what it looks like. At UCP Central PA, no matter what division you work for or the nature of your position, the end goal of ALL UCP employees is that every person we support will experience a richer, more meaningful life as a result of what we do and how we do it.

Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) provide physical assistance, emotional support, a listening ear, an encouraging voice, and a caring heart. They spend time and energy studying Individualized Service Plans (ISPs) to learn a participant’s likes and dislikes, abilities and challenges, strengths and weaknesses. They watch and listen attentively for cues as to what the person is passionate about. Over time, they get to know the core motivation for each individual. That is the essence of person-centered.

As DSPs strive to nurture and grow relationships with the individuals they support, they come to learn what truly animates the person and brings meaning to his or her life. When that happens, the ever-observant DSP will do what it takes to make it happen again. And again.

Today, we want to highlight just a few examples of the many ways UCP DSPs have gone beyond person-centered to touch hearts and bring unexpected joy.

Michael’s “Marvel”-ous Character Tote

Marvel characters tote
DSP Ms. Janet with Michael and his Marvel characters tote

Ms. Janet has been working as a DSP at UCP’s Camp Hill East Community Participation Supports since 2021. Prior to that, she was a DSP at two other UCP locations. She has a heart for working with people and finding ways to connect with each one she supports. Michael, who has been a participant at Camp Hill East for two years, is a perfect example.

Anybody who has spent time with Michael knows that he ADORES Marvel superhero characters, especially Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. Ms. Janet said he takes the action figures everywhere with him, including while he’s bowling. In order to free his hands, he would hang the figures from the front of his t-shirt. Over time, his shirts began to show some wear-and-tear, stretching and fraying around the neck. That’s what prompted Ms. Janet to come up with an alternative way for Michael to store and carry his superheroes. She found some fabric at Walmart and the idea was born: She would create a Marvel character tote for Michael.

Popeye’s Appeal

Carsiana, a DSP at one of UCP’s homes in Lewistown, frequently helps Joe, a resident, explore music and TV shows that he might enjoy. She recently took him to a local thrift store to look for some new CDs and DVDs. As a result of his purchases, Joe discovered that he really likes the fictional cartoon character Popeye. Recognizing Joe’s quick embrace of the character, Carsi used her amazing artistic talent to surprise Joe by creating an acrylic painting of Popeye. Joe was extremely excited when Carsi gave him the painting and he has proudly displayed it right beside his chair in the living room ever since.

Jose Habla Espanol! (Joe Speaks Spanish!)

Joe with DSP Iris and "Yo Hablo Espanol!" sign
Joe with DSP Iris and “Yo Hablo Espanol!” sign

Joe’s overnight DSP, Iris, is bilingual; she is fluent in both English and Spanish. Despite the fact that Joe has limited verbal skills, Iris has begun talking to him in both languages. Surprisingly (to all but Iris), Joe has begun to respond and communicate back to her in Spanish. Since Joe is not able to speak entire sentences, Iris limits their exchanges to short 1–3-word phrases. Some examples of Joe’s Spanish speaking and understanding include:

“Si”- yes

“Sin comida”- no food

“Duca comida”- Do you want food?  To which Joe will reply “Si”

“Como estas”- how are you? To which Joe will reply “good”

When Iris asks him “Duca comida or no comida?,” Joe will exclaim “mida!!” (He wants food!)

Joe does not attempt to interact in Spanish with other staff. His and Iris’ ability to communicate in this way has resulted in a special bond developing between them.


September 6-14 is DSP RECOGNITION WEEK nationwide.


Megan Link
Manager of Talent Acquisition
717.737.3477, x166

Text UCPJOBS to 97211 or visit